Author: Aimee Hosemann

Why You Don’t Need to be Afraid of Performativity

written by Aimee Hosemann

In our study of 108 active higher education strategic plans, we discovered that by far, the most common theme in strategic plan goals or priorities was diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB). Further, because DEIB-related initiatives were often distributed across all the goals in some plans, it became clear that some institutions were holistically reimagining…Read more

What Do You Really Say When You Talk about Race and Culture? Part II in a Series

written by Aimee Hosemann

As we at RHB conduct diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) audits, guide executive leadership through consequential moments or conduct research and discovery for institutional marketing projects, we encounter a lot of different institutional language about recognizing human diversity. The fact that we continuously encounter race and culture as themes which make themselves evident in…Read more

So, How Do You Talk about Race? Part One of a Two-Part Series

written by Aimee Hosemann

At RHB, we’ve been having conversations with clients and prospective clients about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB). Specifically, we’ve been talking about marketing and communications products and how those relate to DEIB initiatives laid out in strategic plans and communications flows. These conversations occur in the service of engaging in the complicated and deeply…Read more

Virtual Research, Real-Life Meaning

written by Aimee Hosemann

As part of our continued research and discovery efforts, we’ve been holding virtual Circles of Influence for clients, via Zoom. Circles is a proprietary research method that is a variation on the idea of a focus group in which a pivotal student tells the story of their journey at a college or university through their…Read more

Why an Anthropologist Chose RHB

written by Aimee Hosemann

Why is there a linguistic anthropologist at RHB? Now that I have just about reached my one-year workaversary at RHB, I guess I have enough perspective on why I am here to answer that question from my position as said anthropologist. I have pursued a variety of professions that allowed me to learn about others’…Read more