
When we’re not actively solving higher education challenges, we’re thinking about them.

And writing about them. And reading about them. And talking about them. Collected here are the insights and resources that we’ve developed to help inspire colleges and universities toward greater relevance, including blog posts, white papers, presentations, videos and worksheets.

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Managing Slate’s Changes Regarding Race and Ethnicity Data

July 12, 2023

written by Erin Gore

If you’re using Slate for your admissions and enrollment processes, you may have noticed that, as of July 12, race and ethnicity data that had been stored in the standard Slate race and ethnicity fields (e.g., race, hispanic) are no longer being displayed on the person record, the Reader or Slate application PDFs. This was…Read more

The Supreme Court’s Ruling in the SFFA Cases Against Harvard and UNC

June 30, 2023

written by Ken Anselment

We knew this was coming, but—much like waiting for a loved one in declining health to pass away—when the expected event finally arrives, it can shock, sadden or anger. Thus landed the United States Supreme Court’s ruling to eliminate race as a factor in how colleges, specifically Harvard and the University of North Carolina at…Read more

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding, Technology and Strategy

June 26, 2023

written by Alex Williams

“I’m going to paddle board to the opposite side of the lake.” “How?” “I’ve got a paddle board.” My oldest son is as pragmatic as they come. There’s a lot of black and white in our conversations, and while I also fall in the realist camp in most areas of my life, it’s important to…Read more

What a Customer Experience Manager Does (and Why You Need One on Your Campus)

May 23, 2023

written by Ken Anselment

Over the course of my first year here at RHB, I have been going through our vast library of Insights articles to tap into the best thinking of my RHB colleagues over the three decades (and more) that RHB has been providing expert counsel to our clients. The article below strikes me as particularly evergreen,…Read more

Minecraft and Slate Strategy: Next Steps After You Have Your Base

May 8, 2023

written by Alex Williams

Minecraft has made it to the Williams home in full force. My two oldest kids, Dougie and Dean, have decided to start capping out their daily screen time limits with a focus on chopping down virtual trees, building bases and wrecking each other’s homes–which isn’t too dissimilar from the real world. Dougie is more methodical…Read more

Getting Ready for the College Board’s New Connections Feature and What It Means for Search

April 26, 2023

written by Ken Anselment

Starting this fall, the way institutions will engage with student records available through the College Board will expand beyond direct-to-student “search” to an additional method called Connections. RHB is here to decode what it means for you and how we can help you maximize your institutional effectiveness in this new environment.  Like many of you,…Read more

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