The RHB Library
RHB offers a variety of titles written by RHB experts. You may request copies by emailing
What Makes a Strategic Plan Strategic? by Aimee Hosemann and Rob Zinkan
Following a study of more than 100 strategic plans representing public and private colleges and universities across all 50 states, Hosemann and Zinkan have provided insight and perspective to help you conceive an effective plan for your institution. From the plans studied, they chose 16 that represented the most strategic to study in even greater depth. This volume is packed with keen observations, deep insight and thoughtful recommendations you can use to be more successful with your planning strategies.
Imagine Voraciously by Richard Bailey
Inspired by the desperation of clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rick Bailey offers a way forward in troubling times. Believing that an antidote for challenging times is better use of imagination to see relevant possibilities, Bailey delivers insight on imagination and exercises you can do alone or with your team to work your imagination muscle. This workbook is a perfect group activity guide.
Coherence (How Telling the Truth Will Advance Your Cause and Save the World) by Richard Bailey. 2nd Edition.
This easy-to-understand volume equips higher education leaders to navigate a journey to more authentic market positioning. With clear how-tos and reflective case studies, Coherence is a must read for those charged with elevating revenues and achieving strategic vision. Rick Bailey, founding partner and principal of RHB, delivers wise guidance from his 40-year career in advising colleges and universities.